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Suigei Tokubetsu Junmaishu Meishomeishu 15% 720ml

Suigei Tokubetsu Junmaishu Meishomeishu 15% 720ml

In the manga world famous as the author of “Space Battleship Yamato” and “Galaxy Express 999”, a special pure rice sake that uses Ryoma Sakamoto designed by the master, Leiji Matsumoto, as a label. A pure rice sake that combines the taste of rice with a crisp aftertaste. The scent is modest, and it has a sour taste peculiar to Suigei Shuzo, and it has a wide but sharp taste. It goes well with food and is ideal for sake during meals. The swelling umami and fresh sourness appear at 10 to 15 ° C, and the taste becomes better. The overall taste is in harmony at around 40-45 ° C, and you can enjoy the richness and finish.

Recommend to pair with deep fried dished, tempura and simmered dishes.

Alcohol 15 %
Origin Kochi
Grade Tokubetsu Junmai
Rice Domestic
SMV > +6 (Dry)
Volume 720 ML